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We are constantly looking for fine quality pieces to add to our collection.  You can always rely on us to settle instantly and provide the maximum discretion when doing.
If you wish to send us photos of your items please email them to bjantiquejewellery1@gmail.com
Bj antique Jewellery are antique and vintage jewellery dealers, specialising in rings, based in London.


Welcome to BJ Antique Jewellery Online Shop

We sell fine antique jewellery online. Drawing on over thirty years of experience buying and selling period pieces we have established a store that has a natural eye for quality and individuality. We seek out and only offer the very finest craftsmanship and materials that combine to offer some of the best examples of antique jewellery styles from Georgian to mid 1900's.

Specialising in top quality Antique rings and Jewellery, Georgian, Regency, Victorian, Edwardian, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, 40's 50's Diamond Jewellery and contemporary, signed and top quality jewellery rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches, pendants, Lavalieres, Chains, Gemstones. Excellent Service Guarantee

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